New Patients

Practice Area

Catchment Area

Register as New Patient

If you live within our catchment area (see map above) and wish to register please enquire at reception. If you can bring proof of your identity and details of your previous GP (if applicable) that helps us to process your registration faster.

Visitors to the UK may not be eligible for some NHS services – please check with reception.

Registration Times

  • Monday, Wednesday: 09:30 – 12:00 and 14:30 – 18:00
  • Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 09:30 – 12:00 and 14:30 – 17:00

Please note we do not accept registrations outside of these times.


If you have a child under six that you wish to register, please remember to bring their hand-held records (red book) or written confirmation of their immunisations as this will assist our health visitor.


You can download, print and complete a GSM1 Registration Form below, at your leisure, before you come in to register. Alternatively you can use the online pre-registration forms.

Once you have completed the forms, bring them to the practice. It is also helpful if you can bring some ID, but this isn’t a requirement.

Examples are:

  • your proof of address (i.e. utility bill, council tax or bank statement etc) and
  • a photo ID (e.g. Driving License or Passport).

For children (under 5 yrs) we also need to see the Birth Certificate and recommend that you bring the child’s Redbook