Spotlight on mental health and resilience

Posted by: chrisadams - Posted on:

Around 1 in 4 people in the UK experience mental health challenges each year. Getting support for your mental health is just as important as getting help for your physical health.

Where to start?

Firstly, looking after your physical health can boost your mood. This website is specifically for Londoner’s and is a good place to start. The NHS also has an on-line mental health hub with loads of information and resources (click here).

Recognise when you need help and ask for it

If you’re reading this and think you need help, or your child needs help, call the surgery now.

If you think you might benefit from talking therapy, you can refer yourself here straight away without having to see one of our GPs.

There are three free national helplines run by the charities Mind, Shout, and the Samaritans. Here are the phone numbers.

Coping with life events

Sometimes, mental health difficulties are triggered by life events. When that happens, as well seeking support from your GP, there are resources available that can help

General tips: Tips for everyday living with a mental health problem – Mind

Coping with bereavement: In Times of Bereavement – The Bush Doctors

Caring for someone and looking after yourself: Carers Advice – The Bush Doctors

We’re here for you

Remember, if you’re really struggling, call the surgery now. We can help you.